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eFlex Double Traffic Barrier

Mid-strength barrier for segregating vehicles with a medium-high impact height. Protects structures and equipment from impact damage.

eFlex™ Double Traffic Barrier is designed to shield buildings, machinery and equipment from damage caused by vehicle collisions.

The Double Rail increases the height and strength of the impact zone to provide greater resistance from straying vehicles than the Single Rail. It provides physical protection for vital assets and infrastructure by absorbing and deflecting impact forces. The barrier also offers visual guidance to vehicle drivers, preventing impacts and accidents.

eFlex Double Traffic Barrier is ideal for facilities with medium traffic volumes or for equipping base build specifications. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.


Max impact rating 13,500 Joules (equivalent to 3.7 ton impacting at 90 degrees @ 10 km/hr)

Available in various lengths, with yellow rails and black posts as standard. Multi-directional posts ensure an efficient, tailored fit into any location, where a fully modular design means rails and posts can be easily replaced in-situ without removing adjacent barrier sections.  

Suitable for vehicles with an impact height of 204 - 729mm.

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eFlex Double Traffic Barrier

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